Miscellaneous Indiana Political News

Started by NextDoorNeighbor, Nov 30, 2023, 03:03 PM

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Indiana gunmaker that offered GOP lawmakers discounted rifles is fined after investigation

After a state investigation, the southern Indiana gunmaker who offered Republican lawmakers a discount on custom-made AR-15-style rifles during the legislative session has been required to register as a lobbyist and was fined for not doing so earlier.

The Indiana Lobby Registration Commission investigation stemmed from a complaint filed against Fostech in June after IndyStar reported that the company had made a flyer available to some lawmakers advertising an "Indiana legislator rifle" at half the suggested retail price. The offer came during a session in which Fostech also testified in opposition to a major piece of gun legislation.

Julia Vaughn, executive director of Common Cause Indiana, filed a complaint arguing that Fostech's behavior appeared to fit the definition of lobbying and should have been reported publicly as such.

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Lt. Gov, lawmakers call for to pause on certain Medicaid cuts

Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch and three sitting lawmakers publicly called on the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA) to pause proposed program cuts for parents of medically complex children during an Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Task Force meeting Monday.

FSSA announced the decision to curb its use of Attendant Care pay for Legally Responsible Individuals (LRIs), usually parents, in favor of Structured Family Care earlier this month in response to a $1 billion shortfall in the Medicaid budget. During the COVID-19 pandemic, FSSA allowed parents to be paid for care normally covered by home health nurses — a field with a shortage of workers then and now.

But, following a specially called meeting to review a list of several proposed changes to Medicaid, stakeholders seemed dissatisfied with the agency's explanation and urged FSSA to halt its cuts.

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Happy hour, cocktails to-go bill makes splash at Indiana Statehouse

It's 5 o'clock somewhere—and in Indiana, bars and restaurants could soon offer customers "happy hour" drink deals under legislation that also authorizes alcohol carry-out orders.

Abbi Raben, representing the Indiana Restaurant & Lodging Association, said House Bill 1086 would allow retailers to boost traffic during slow hours "while also ensuring that it's done in a responsible manner."

Retailers currently are limited to all-day alcoholic beverage specials, which she noted isn't always "the most economical choice" for businesses.

The bill would allow retailers to reduce drink prices for up to four hours a day, but less than 15 hours in a week. Happy hours wouldn't be allowed between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m.

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